
"As a grad student with family obligations and a career that I'm building after being a stay at home mom for 8 years, I found myself struggling to overcome mom-guilt while learning to balance school, work and home life. My work with Sonya has helped me find a balance that's right for me. As a student, it's been great working with her because she has a way of helping me see my work from the professor's point of view. As a mom, she helps me find the ability to let go of expectations and allow myself the freedom to live in the present and accept it for what it is while enjoying my family. As an employee transitioning into a leadership role, she is helping me find the confidence I need to take the next steps and flourish in the next phase of my career. What I love most about her coaching style, is that instead of telling me what to do, she helps guide me to find the answers within myself. This creates an alignment that allows me to balance work, school, and family that was missing. I'm thankful for our time together and look forward to our weekly calls. It's not an appointment I dare miss!" --Jennifer F.

"Sonya is an amazing coach. She is masterful at asking the right questions and guiding conversations into areas of deep reflection. She is approachable, warm, thoughtful and insightful. Through her expert coaching approach, I was able to experience a number of unexpected revelations and I feel like I grew tremendously during my time with her. I now understand how Imposter Syndrome applies to me and how I can now effectively manage it. I highly recommend Sonya if you are looking for a coach that will take you deep. I am extremely grateful that I made the decision to coach with her. She truly is worth the investment! " --Susan S.

“Sonya is a compassionate professional who effortlessly manages to make you feel at ease. She finds a way to be emphatic yet constantly encourages and challenges you to find your own answers. Sonya has guided me to places I was too wounded to visit before and she has been an excellent companion in my personal journey to self-rediscovery. I recommend her without reservation. Thank you, Sonya."
--Susan O.

"Sonya was exactly what I needed to help me process my thoughts. I realized that a conversation, a safe place to talk through my thoughts and feelings was what I needed to dig deeper. I recognized places where I had been “stuck” in my thoughts and how I can reshape those thoughts to help me reach my goals. I highly recommend Sonya as a coach to help you uncover what is holding you back and how to find the thoughts that move you forward." --Lisa S.

"Sonya and I completed an amazing coaching cycle recently, and I was able to learn and grow so much! She helped me not only to identify specific goals for my life and my business but also helped me to do the mindset work and make a plan to accomplish those goals. I truly can’t recommend her enough!! Her coaching and expertise will help you up-level your life!" --Jordan R.